Excellent resolution and performance at low voltages, especially for nanoscale characterization
The TESCAN MAGNA is an extremely powerful analytical instrument for surface characterization of nanomaterials and for microscopic analysis. TESCAN MAGNA adopts Triglav™ type SEM column, which has ultra-high resolution, especially at low voltage; the detector system in the column has electronic signal filtering ability, which can obtain better image contrast and surface sensitivity. In addition, the TESCAN MAGNA is equipped with a Schottky field emission electron gun capable of delivering beam currents up to 400 nA, while the excellent performance and high stability of the Triglav™ type SEM column are provided for micro-analysis and analysis of long time samples. the best conditions.
The excellent performance of TESCAN MAGNA at low voltage and the wide range of image contrasts that can be obtained make it ideal for imaging non-conductive samples such as ceramics, uncoated biological samples, as well as for applications in the semiconductor industry and new materials research. increasingly common photosensitive samples. TESCAN MAGNA uses the new TESCAN Essence™ software, which is user-friendly to meet various application needs, customizable layouts and automated sample preparation functions to maximize operational convenience and work efficiency.
- The best solution for characterizing nanomaterials
TESCAN’s patented Triglav™ type SEM column features the triple objective system TriLens™, which is more versatile than similar devices. The ultra-high resolution provided by UH-resolution objectives is ideal for topographic detail observation, enabling researchers to better analyze nanoscale samples. The new high-resolution Analytical objectives enable flux-free imaging, ideal for magnetic sample observation and analysis (EDS, EBSD). The third objective enables multiple modes of observation and optimizes the beam spot shape for improved imaging and analysis performance. - Different contrast images can be obtained for maximum insight into the sample
TESCAN MAGNA with TriBE™ detector system: contains three backscattered electron detectors that selectively collect signals based on differences in angle and energy, Mid-Angle BSE and In-Beam The f-BSE detector is located in the column and can receive mid-angle and axial backscattered electrons, while the sample chamber backscattered electron detector is used to receive wide-angle backscattered electrons. At the same time, the MAGNA is also equipped with the TriSE™ detector system: a total of three secondary electron detectors for optimal acquisition of secondary electrons in all operating modes: In-Beam SE detectors can receive at very short working distances Secondary electrons; SE (BDM) provides the best resolution for secondary electron detectors in electron beam deceleration mode; secondary electron detectors in the sample chamber provide images with the best topographic contrast. - Better Imaging Capabilities
The in-column detector system in the next-generation Triglav™ tube has been further optimized to more than triple the signal detection efficiency. In addition, the system has expanded detection capabilities to acquire energy-filtered axial backscattered electron signals, which allow for better contrast and surface sensitivity by selectively collecting low-loss backscattered electrons. - Provides the best analysis conditions The
new generation of Triglav™ column also has adaptive beam spot optimization function, which can improve the resolution under large beam current, which is conducive to better analysis such as EDS, WDS and EBSD. In addition, the Schottky field emission electron gun can generate electron beam currents up to 400 nA, and the voltage can be changed quickly to ensure good signal in all analytical applications.
- Making complex applications easier than ever The next-
generation TESCAN Essence™ is a simplified, multi-user software with a layout manager that provides quick and easy access to all major functions. The software interface can be customized to best suit specific application orientations and to suit different user preferences. Various functional modules, wizards and application schemes of the software enable both entry-level users and expert users to easily and smoothly grasp the operation of SEM, thereby improving the sample processing speed and work efficiency.
Warranty: 02 (Two) years from the date of Successfully completion of Supply.